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Insights, practical tips and inspiration.
If there is a topic you'd like to see covered, please let me know!

Janeen Shaffer, PCC
Mar 30, 20223 min read
Remaining buoyant in intense times
People are hopeful for changes that provide a sense of normalcy, yet in the same moment, many people are tired. We are trying to find...

Janeen Shaffer, PCC
Jan 26, 20224 min read
Tips for working with peers and teams that invite collaboration and proactive behavior
My clients have been discussing the need to act more deliberatively with their peers and teams as the pace of change and shifts in...

Janeen Shaffer, PCC
Nov 29, 20212 min read
How to honor the holidays and 2021, while stepping into a new year.
As we begin to approach the end of 2021 and enter the holiday season, there is more discussion about approaching the end of the year from...

Janeen Shaffer, PCC
Sep 23, 20214 min read
Being Empowered During Change
As we come to the end of September, there was a level of expectation that we would have more certainty about many things impacted by...

Janeen Shaffer, PCC
Aug 26, 20212 min read
Reminder of Hope, Choice, and Strength.
There has been a theme of burnout, tiredness, the need for hope, and the reminder of the courage within us. I share three poems to...

Janeen Shaffer, PCC
May 20, 20215 min read
How to get back into a flow and feel empowered during transitions
Life can throw us disruption in the blink of an eye or over a long, hard road that appears to be never-ending. A feeling that you need...

Janeen Shaffer, PCC
Apr 9, 20214 min read
Resources when grief shows up in the workplace
This past year has offered many experiences of blessings and challenges. Some of those challenges include loss and grief. People have...

Janeen Shaffer, PCC
Feb 25, 20214 min read
What an intense, short month – ready for a reset?
This month has been intense for almost every one of my clients. I’ve had a client lose their job, another client lost a loved one, and...

Janeen Shaffer, PCC
Feb 4, 20215 min read
What to do if you work for a bully
There are often discussions with my coaching clients about how to handle workplace conflict and abrasive behavior. Everyone can have a...

Janeen Shaffer, PCC
Jan 29, 20214 min read
How to step into a new year.
I am stepping gently into 2021 by not being as robust about specific goals to achieve. I’m grateful to be here, to be healthy, for my...

Janeen Shaffer, PCC
Jan 29, 20213 min read
Rise Up
I keep hearing a theme of disappointment, rejection, or hurt throughout this year that we are having with each other, our community, our...

Janeen Shaffer, PCC
Jan 29, 20214 min read
Do you need to fix that?
Most leaders see how things could be better – be it a process, team, product, or service. You are in a leadership role because you have a...

Janeen Shaffer, PCC
Jan 29, 20214 min read
How to help yourself when you've lost your job
I have been talking with leaders who have found themselves without a job due to the impacts of COVID. They are very capable, innovative,...

Janeen Shaffer, PCC
Jan 29, 20214 min read
How to listen to others when all you want to do is solve the problem?
Most leaders see how things could be better – be it a process, team, product, or service. You are in a leadership role because you have a...

Janeen Shaffer, PCC
Jan 29, 20214 min read
How do you thrive during times of stress?
I believe we each have a ripple effect on each other, be it our words or our actions. From this belief, I strive to live each day with...

Janeen Shaffer, PCC
Jan 29, 20213 min read
Deliberate Impact and Ripple Effects
The discussions and actions taken around racism has been an eye-opening experience as I become more informed about the range of racism...

Janeen Shaffer, PCC
Jan 29, 20215 min read
Be Patient. Everyone is doing their best.
We are still in a time where our “new normal” at work and home do not feel normal. Everyone is adjusting to something significant that is...

Janeen Shaffer, PCC
Jan 29, 20212 min read
Morning Rituals
My uncle passed away in October. He was a gentle giant. He was funny, kind and sensitive. He was built like a lumberjack and was a...
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